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EC Products and Services

We are supplying various tailor-made cleaning detergents for helping you to clean the contaminants.

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Aerial disinfectant and hand sanitizer are the basic sanitizers for maintaining good personal hygiene.

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Detergents & Cleaners

We have various cleaning detergents for dedicate contaminants. Check out our available cleaning detergents. We believe you should get 1 for your needs.

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Cleaning Consultation

Not all contaminants could be removed with a single detergent. We are always here to work with you so that you could use the correct detergent to clean the messy contaminant.

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Cleaning Services

You are running out of hands to clean up the area or contaminants. Don't worry, we are here to help.

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Wood Bleaching vs. Wood Sanding?

Surface Bleaching Result

Wood bleaching is often the unfamiliar wood surface treatment. There are two common method wood bleaching and wood sanding to rejuvenating old or weathered wood. Both techniques aim to restore the appearance of wood surfaces, but they differ […]

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Develop of Wood Bleach Solution

Let us walk you through how we develop the 2 parts Wood Bleach Solution. Wood bleach solution has become a popular choice for rejuvenating aged or weathered wood surfaces, restoring them to their former glory. However, developing an […]

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Water-Based Coolants for Metal Surface Grinding

The water-based coolant launch to the Malaysia market with the aim for lifting the metal surface grinding performance. In the metalworking, achieving optimal cutting efficiency while maintaining environmental sustainability is a paramount concern. Coolfast Coolant is a water-based […]

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